Ramagya School participated in Inter-School Roller Skating Championship on 30th August 2019 held at Bharat Ratan Rajiv Gandhi Park, Kalkaji, New Delhi. The event aimed at inculcating among the participants a sense of competition, team spirit, and leadership qualities and to promote roller skating among the school children of all over Delhi & NCR.

Shloka Banerjee & Akshat secured 2nd position in under 08 age group.
Priyal Khanna & Nishchal secured 1st position, Hashita Khanna secured 3rd position in under 10 age group.
Akshat Nautiyal secured 2nd position in under 12 age group.
Satakshi secured 1st position, Tanisha Chauhan secured 2nd position, Ankul secured 3rd position in under 14 age group.
Abhyansh Singh secured 2nd position, Faiz Ahmed & Akshat Prasun secured 3rd position in under 16 age group

The Managing Director, Mr. Utkarsh Gupta and Principal, Ms Aparna Magee congratulated the winners on their glorious attainment. Ramagya School is proud of its young achievers and wishes them and their mentor, Mr Sachin Kumar more success, glory and laurels.