Times of India – Feature article on Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Ramagya Group of Schools extends its heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Chairman, Ramagya group) for getting featured in pan India coverage of TIMES of INDIA. Dr. Sanjay Gupta talked about the current process of the re-opening of Indian schools in 2021 and the diligent…
Students of Class 1- II explained road safety to aware people.
Road safety refers to the measures and rules to prevent road accidents and safeguard travellers from being injured or killed. Students of class I-II made posters and explained these rules to spread awareness among people. The posters were filled with creative ideas to express road…
Global classroom winter session
vIn an exciting global interaction, students participated in ‘Global Classroom Winter Session’ on the theme: What is a miracle that happens every day? They collaborated with schools from 13 countries in Croatia, Georgia, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, Brunei, USA, Brazil. The session…
Students played Mystery Skype with a school in Russia
To learn about Russia’s culture & traditions, students played Mystery Skype with a school in Russia. It is an educational game played by two classrooms to build awareness, critical thinking, and geography skills by guessing location of the other classroom via series of yes/no questions….
Students of class-II made models to represent the cycle of day and night.
Students of class-II made wonderful models to represent the cycle of day and night. The purpose of the modeling was to help them understand the concept of day and night and why days are longer in the summer and shorter in the winter. The activity…