Category: Activity

Academic & Other Events In Dadri, Activity, Awards & Achievements, Dadri, Dadri Workshop, Events, Media & Press...

The ‘Exemplary Eduleader Award’ amidst Covid Crisis by ‘Next. Education’ 

Ramagya School, Dadri is proud to announce that Ms. Taruna Kapoor (principal) was awarded for ‘The Exemplary Eduleader’ Amidst Covid Crisis by ‘Next. Education’ for her persistent and impeccable works in the fields of education during pandemics and being a quintessential inspiration for the education…

Activity, Dadri, Events

Diwali Celebration 

Ramagya School celebrated Diwali in the morning assembly.  The celebration began with the virtual lighting of the lamp. All the students from the pre-primary wing to the 10 th class participated in the event. Students expressed their happiness through dance, song. They also gave meaningful messages…

Activity, Dadri, Events

Halloween Party 

The children had attired special costumes and had put on makeup to be perfect for Halloween day. The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of samhain why people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Over time Halloween evolved into a day of activities…

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