World Red Cross Day Activity
Ramagya School Noida conducted a Special Assembly for the students of IX to XII 21 to celebrate ‘World Red Cross Day. It is an annual event celebration, commemorating the principles of “International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement” to pay tribute to the volunteers who…
Mother’s Day Celebration-Noida
To celebrate and appreciate the selfless love of a mother, Ramagya School organized an online Special session on Mother’s Day for the students of grade Pre nursery to XII. Mothers were cordially invited to join the online session along with their kids to spend a…
Puppet Making Activity
The students of pre-primary participated in a ‘Puppet Making Activity’ by using socks, colours, thread, etc. The activity gave the students an opportunity to speak confidently but also made them feel special and unique in many ways. The students enjoyed this activity and were happy…
IDS activity: Water Conservation
Our earth wants to be heard and we should help our children to analyse how important water conservation is for humankind. Students participated in the water conservation event to share ideas to conserve water such as – checking toilets for leaks, using a bucket to…
Summer Camp Inauguration
Ramagya School’s Summer Camp ‘Camp on a Click’ was inaugurated online on Wednesday amidst enthusiasm and fanfare. The main idea behind organizing this camp is to enhance and nurture every child’s hidden talent and instill confidence in them so that they grow into beautiful human…
IDS Activity – Movie Making- Cyber Safety
An IDS activity was conducted on Movie Making – Cyber Safety. The session explained the process of movie-making. In this movie-making activity, students used an application called Movie Maker. They were taught about the different ways to put special effects in the movie like Title,…
Lemonade Making Activity for pre-nursery, nursery and kindergarten
To beat the heat, a ‘Lemonade making Activity’ was conducted for the students of Pre Nursery, Nursery, and Kindergarten. The objective of the activity was to develop fine motor skills by engaging children to promote the acquisition of pincer grip and eye-hand coordination. This activity…
IDS Yoga Activity – Run a mile, Rest a While
Ramagya School organized an IDS Yoga activity – ‘Run a Mile, Rest a While’ for the students of classes I to XII. Through this activity, the students were able to understand the importance of physical and mental well-being. The instructors helped the students in performing…
Virtual tour of Bangladesh and Taiwan
Trips and tours are important for interactive and new learning, social interaction, and exposure. Embracing diversity, students had a virtual tour of Bangladesh and Taiwan. The virtual trip gave the students an insight into the rich and cultural heritage of Taiwan and Bangladesh. To commemorate…
Reading Programme Collaboration with RAZ Plus
Ramagya school in collaboration with RAZ Plus has introduced a reading programme for the students of classes I-II. Students through this program will get the opportunity to explore and understand the world around them in addition to language development. For this, an orientation session was…