On a crisp September morning, Ramagya School, Noida welcomed the Grandparents of tiny tots of the pre-primary wing. Young Ramagyans put up a fabulous show for the ones who pamper and treasure them. The celebration started with the traditional lighting of a lamp. Primary Head Ms Abha Tandon welcomed the grandparents on behalf of the school. The event comprised of dance, skit, presentation, qawwali, action rhymes, kathputli dance, dandiya and circus. All the events of the day were thoughtfully planned by the teachers so as to make the special day, memorable for all the grandparents.
Principal Ms. Aparna Magee thanked the Grandparents on the behalf of management, and staff of Ramagya School, for being enthusiastic and supportive. She requested them to continue being lively, vivacious and exuberant. Grandparents too came forward and thanked the school and the Principal for putting up such an amazing show.