Ramagya School, Noida focuses on the overall growth and grooming of the students. The School collaborated with the renowned newspaper Times of India to create awareness among students about Access and Acknowledgement of shame and, how to fight back. In order to ameliorate the same ‘A Shame Resilience Workshop’ was conducted in Ramagya School on 4th February 2020 by the students of class IX-Anshita Pandey and Akshita Chauhan, who represented the school at the Annual meet of The Times of India as young Journalists. Naveen Yadav, a student from class IX prepared a presentation on the same.
Their learning was also shared with the peers in the form of a skit by Tanmay Singh, Abhishek Khatri Chaitanya Gupta, and Naveen Yadav from Class IX. The main objective of this workshop was to encourage students for Relational validation, Shame regulation and Transformation of shame. Shame Resilience may lead an individual to a wide range of mental and public health issues including self-esteem/concept issues, depression, addiction, eating disorders, bullying, suicide, family violence, and sexual assault. It was an informational workshop and students were encouraged to follow the suggestion and ways to be confident enough to face the world outside their circumscribed self.