Category: EVENTS

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS


Ramagya School, Noida has a global education programme designed to help the young learners know and understand global themes and become responsible global citizens. The students across all grades participated in an INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR hosted by Ms Manuela Correia da Silva a teacher at the…

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS

In Harmony with Birds 

Ramagya School Noida, provides education aligned with the requirements of today to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Technology can develop the curiosity to awaken creativity in students but holistic growth of student can only be ensured when students are taught to…

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS

Bal Saathee Webinar 

Ramagya fraternity moves ahead leveraging upon the optimism brought by the extended family. We have taken this opportunity to dedicate resources and expertise at our disposal for the benefits of Parents and Students. We are organising Webinars for students and parents to work on the…

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS

Physical Fitness Online 

Ramagya School, Noida aims at the holistic development of a student’s broad foundation for life-long learning and well-being. Physical fitness forms a crucial component of a student’s life. We are not only having online classes for curricular subjects but we are also devoting time to…

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS

Online PTM 

Ramagya School, Noida conducted online PTM, a novel initiative to address the concerns and suggestions of the parents, on 4th April 2020 for classes Pre Nur to XII. The teachers connected online to the parents on Zoom in separate groups and in different time slots….

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS

Online Class Programme 

Ramagya School, Noida believes in inculcating skill sets in students which will ensure that they shape up as the future leaders of the world. We guide students to have the flexibility of thoughts, self-regulation, planning and problem-solving. We ensure essential learning and critical thinking through…

Academic & Other Events, EVENTS

Visit To A Park 

Just education is not enough, children must have sunshine, freedom and playtime” Ramagya School, Noida organized a visit to park for the students of Class I-III. Field trips expand student’s active hands-on experience with the rich resources of the local community. One of the most…

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